COVID-19: How we are responding

COVID-19 has had a significant impact on all of us in 2020. Understandably, some people may be concerned about attending their hand therapy appointment and are interested in the steps we are take at Hunter Hand Rehab to keep patients safe. 

Firstly we want to let you know that we are open as usual and are keeping up to date with the NSW governments recommendations. Here are some of the strategies we are implementing at Hunter Hand Rehab to maintain effective infection control in response to COVID-19: 

  • Arrival routine:

    • Upon arrival to the clinic you are required to:

      • Sanitise your hands.

      • Have your temperature checked.

      • Answer a Screening Questionnaire, including the following questions:

        • Are you feeling unwell or experiencing any flu like symptoms?

        • Are you awaiting a test result or in contact with anyone who has tested positive to COVID-19, or is awaiting their results?  

        • Have you travelled overseas or been in contact with anyone who has returned home from overseas in the past 14 days?

        • Have you travelled to/from Victoria or any Sydney/NSW hotspots or other hotspots? 

NB. If you answered yes to any of these questions please call to reschedule your appointment prior to attending our clinic.

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  • Waiting room set up:

    • We ask that you attend your appointment alone unless a carer/guardian is required, this helps minimise numbers in the waiting room.

    • Our waiting room has been rearranged to ensure appropriate social distancing while you wait.

    • We are gathering the details of all carers/guardians who attend with a patient, should contact tracing need to occur.

    • Perspex screens are in place at our reception desk.

  • Masks:

    • All of our hands therapists are wearing face masks. We encourage patients to wear them too.

  • Telehealth

    • Telehealth appointments are available for all of our patients. 

  • Hand washing:

    • Hand sanitiser and hand washing facilities are available throughout the clinic for both staff and those attending appointments.

  • Cleaning 

    • All surfaces are being cleaned and disinfected by our staff throughout the day. We also have a professional cleaning service attend daily to perform a thorough clean of the clinic.

Other ways you can assist us in staying safe:

    • Wash your hands regularly.

    • Wear a mask to your appointment.

    • Bring your own pen for completing documentation.

These recommendations may change as the situation around COVID-19 evolves. We are regularly monitoring for updates to ensure we are abreast of any developments. These measures may cause some disruption or increase the duration of your visit. We appreciate your understanding and patience during these difficult times. 

Dion Sandoz